7 efficient ways to detoxify your body

Detoxification also known as an internal cleanse is a simple but powerful ways to cause the cells of your body to release toxic materials that either have accumulated from or may get in the way of metabolic processes.
Detoxification also known as an internal cleanse is a simple but powerful ways to cause the cells of your body to release toxic materials that either have accumulated from or get in the way of metabolic processes. detoxifying your body has many health benefits like:
  • it improves digestion
  • boosts immunity
  • rejuvenate skin
  • improves sleep 
  • sharpens the mind
so you might wonder by now wonder how do i detoxify or cleanse my system well there 7 proven tips to cleanse your system and these are
1.Eating vegetables and fruits   well Gwyneth paltrow shares on her website GOOP that eating veggies and fruits and cutting out sugars , wine carbs will give your brain and gut much needed recovery time plus you could also loose a kg or two 

2.Hydrate water helps to lubricates our joints reduces hunger and is also required for optimal detoxification especially through our skin , kidneys and bowels. adequate hydration reduces risks of many diseases water also helps to increase the brain performance and helps for weight loss according to mayo clinic women should aim for 11.5 cups or 2.7 liters while men should aim for 15.5 cups or 3.7 liters of water 

3.Take probiotics  probiotics are microorganisms introduced to the body for its beneficial qualities probiotics helps to fortify your gut , digest food properly and strengthen your immune system

4.Cardio exercises cardio exercise which is sometimes referred to as aerobic exercise is any type of exercises that increases the work of the heart or the lungs walking, jogging, skipping, running are some forms of cardiovascular exercises  

5.Consume lemons  the health benefits of lemons are attributed to it vitamin C that helps to improve digestion, control weight loss ,protect against anemia and reduce cancer risk

6.Get a massage massage is the manipulation of the body soft tissues cupping massage is effective in relieving pain, strengthening immune function and detoxifying the body

7.Swap caffeine drinks with green tea    green tea is a type of tea that is made from cammelia sinensis leaves and buds. it has the highest amounts of antioxidants of any tea and antioxidants lowers the risk of some cancers, green tea is high in protective polyphenols compounds called polyphenols are known to protect the body against diseases, helps to reduce bad breadth and prevent cardiovascular diseases
